About us

GHAROA is nonprofit registered Society formed in 1991 at Lumding in Assam by some eminent personalities of Railway those came to Lumding division to serve in different capacities namely Divisional Railway Manager, Engineer, Doctor, Teacher and others, some of them were exponent in classical music, some were stage actors & directors, writers, poets, environmentalist, social scientist and above all humanist. The objectives of forming the society were to provide need based professional and quality service to the local community. Though initiated with Cultural and Artistic works and promoting artistic thinking among the society in 1992 it launched the Environmental programme beginning with large scale plantation programme in Railway land at Lumding with the active participation of Railways and Social Forestry Department of Assam. Understanding that plantation is not only the end of conservation Gharoa with the help of CEE (Centre for Environment Education, Ahmadabad and CEE-NE) started Teacher’s training and Environment Education (EE) in schools. In 1994 the first community based health programme was launched in three villages with emphasis on preventive treatment and mass immunizations among the un-immunized children’s were conducted along with free health camps and clinics, RCH service delivery etc. Later on also included Women empowerment through training and formation of Self Help Groups, alternative livelihood, microcredit and sustainable agriculture, water harvesting and domestic violence.

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